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As one of the most famous contemporary British women novelists, A.S. Byatt depicts the true situation of women in her“Frederica Quartet”. The quartet involves some feminist issues such as marriage and ...  相似文献   
奥康纳在经典短篇小说《好人难寻》中,通过塑造几个无名、无声、愚昧、伪善的女性受害者形象,呈现了一个人性扭曲、信仰缺失、道德堕落的危机重重的美国南方社会,表达了她对现代社会精神危机的高度关注和深刻思考。  相似文献   
王海鸰是擅长创作婚姻爱情题材的当代著名女作家,她在作品《牵手》《中国式离婚》《新结婚时代》《大校的女儿》中塑造了夏晓雪、林小枫、顾小西、韩林等生动典型的都市女知识分子形象。主要描绘了在激烈变革的现代社会中,这些女知识分子在婚姻家庭中所面临的问题和所处的困境,以及她们为成长、为成熟、为实现自我而付出的艰辛努力,为我们构建了当代女性知识分子的精神世界,具有一定的社会意义和文学价值,值得关注和研究。  相似文献   
爱?摩?福斯特笔下的女性形象有其独特的特点,也正是这些独特的特点构成了福斯特小说中女性形象的灵魂。福斯特笔下女性形象可以分成四种类型进行分析,他们各自有着不同的风貌及其现实象征意义。  相似文献   
女性——作为人类另一半,千百年来一直处于"第二性"的地位。即使是独立谋生的女性依然走不出固有的性别围困。本文力图通过对比夏洛蒂·勃朗特两部作品中工作在同一所学校的男女教师在社会地位和薪资待遇方面的差异,揭示生活在男性话语统治下女性面对的生存考验及其本质。  相似文献   
本文是在全国即将全面开展校园足球的背景下,以迎接高校足球联赛,为提高安徽省高校足球水平,分析安徽省高校足球存在的问题和找出相应对策而做出的研究。  相似文献   

It is a common fact that women's sport and leisure history, especially in male dominated spheres, and more specifically football, have been ignored by many academics. However, in recent years there have been major developments in digital technology that have changed the nature of the type of research that can be done. Access to tools to facilitate field research are relatively cheap and with the high volume of digitisation projects that have taken place over the last few years as well as the increasing number of born digital resources that have been published, there are new opportunities. In relation to women's soccer in Ireland, this paper asks the question – where are we now? The argument will review the current literature on this subject and outline potential approaches for future research.  相似文献   
This study investigated differences in generic and soccer specific motor coordination, as well as speed and agility depending on age and maturity in elite youth soccer players (U10-U15, N = 619). Measurements included body height, body weight and sitting height to estimate age at peak height velocity (APHV); three Körperkoordinationstest für Kinder subtests (i.e. jumping sideways (JS), moving sideways (MS), balancing backwards (BB)) to assess generic motor coordination; the UGent dribbling test for soccer specific motor coordination; a 5m/30m sprint and T-test for speed and agility, respectively. Age specific z-scores of the predicted APHV identified players as earlier, on time or later maturing. (M)ANOVA analyses showed significant age by maturity interaction effects for the speed and agility test cluster, revealing maturity related differences in U14 and U15 players. Next to an overall higher performance with age for all test clusters (η2 0.080–0.468), earlier maturing players outperformed their later maturing peers in 5m/30m sprinting. The opposite was seen for JS and BB. So, players’ maturity status should be taken into account to adequately value performance in talent identification. Also, the focus on characteristics that appear to be minimally biased by an earlier maturational timing (i.e. motor coordination) should be increased.  相似文献   
校园足球是振兴中国足球、建设足球强国的“塔基”。基于体育强国新的时代内涵,采用文献研究、逻辑分析等方法,分析我国校园足球的价值定位,寻求价值实现路径。我国校园足球的价值定位是:促进青少年身心健康和全面发展;培养和造就充裕的足球后备人才;巩固和扩大足球人口规模;提升足球文化软实力。实现路径是:建构多元化的支持保障机制;建设富有特色的足球课程体系;完善立体化的竞赛体系;着力发展校园足球文化。  相似文献   
在我国不断改革和促进中国教育制度发展的同时,教学重点更多的放在了培养学生的主观能动性上。足球普修课程是适用于所有学生的,要根据大多数学生足球能力的基本情况进行足球教学活动。将任务驱动教学方法应用于足球普修课程中,有助于激发学生学习足球的学习兴趣。基于此,本文针对当前我国高校足球普修训练课程中遇到的问题,提出一些建议,以供大家参考交流。  相似文献   
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